Marie O'Reilly's Journal

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Welcome to team NEWMINA

Calling this experience just a regular outreach would be a vast understatement! It was the adventure of a lifetime!!!! Only one of many, I hope! We had a great time doing all sorts of things . . . eating foods that we never would have thought to eat before . . . ever! These are just a few pics of the team and the people that we met!

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Hey Guys, so I'm still dreaming of being a technilogical guru, but alas, that all takes time! Let me introduce you to my friend Jette. We staffed the July DTS school last year. She's quite the funny one! Can everyone see my reddish hair! Yes, I'm changing all the time! Hopefully internally as well! I hope that you guys all enjoyed my last update! It's been quite the ride getting that on! I"m going to add on the pictures that I was going to put with my newsletter so ya'll can see who are these mysterious people that I spend so much time with!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Week 2: Intercession and Hearing God's Voice

We had an amazing speaker this week speaking on Intercession and Hearing God's voice. He has been working as a missionary in Jordan for the last near 10 years, doing amazing things. I was reminded once again that when we go into a nation, we need to be really surveying the land and assessing people's understanding of God. Then we can be praying and asking God how we can help these people go one step closer to knowing Him. Often in Muslim nations, the people start off in a state of strong aggression against Christians, so even trying to tell them about Jesus might not be appropriate at first. It's all about slowly changing people's mindsets about Christians.
Anyways, back to the topic, it has been a very good one. Many of the students believe that God can speak but don't know if He will speak to them and how to listen to hear Him speak. I've been praying that each one of the students would get great breakthrough in understanding God more. I guess that tomorrow will be a great day of applying what we're learning! I'll write again soon!